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kaerdd 发表于 2010-5-29 09:45

" the earth in the future&quo

The author Sun Wukong  email:sunyajun857@sohu.com
I am a man of top end of science and technology united developed by scientists who come from China,America,Russia,England and France in 2003.The day I was born in is so early.I am called man of top end by normal creature because all my gene code is interpreted, my body and brain are planted a lot of computer CMOS chips,and joined with internet and the net of that human being control computer.At the same time my body is filled with the product of nanometer technology.My survival principle faced the world in a series of report about CMOS chips human on May in 2005.
What I wanted to say is my sacred mission! today is in 2030, I am 28 years old, through the global referendum, I become the first world president. One"s own ability that I do not boast , I am the most intelligent electronic people of living beings of on the earth. My mission is global security, peace and prosperity.It is more chivalrous than the superman and spider-man.
My success is a result of global democratic election. During this election, candidates came from all parts of the world, It is the chairmen or the presidents of the various countries to have a part, it is with the totalitarian talent who trained out from small to large to have a part, The global president"s candidate involves the volunteers of all occupation,countries and party groupings. We think it is the freedom of every country that every country elect how many candidates . The largest benefitedly one is China and U.S.A. to implement global citizen"s giving a public judgement. Because China is most populous, Hu Jintao may be elected, because influence of U.S.A. is largest, So Bush and Clinton may be elected, because the world president in fact is Annan, So he is appointed by the United Nations directly probably . But it is democracy way the most that the global citizen gives a public judgement, so the procedure that world president emerged will belong to it undoubtedly. So I rely on special quality eliminate above-mentioned candidates from choose and win. My language is Chinese mainly, my language centre uses Chinese brain"s cell mostly, Having assigned Chinese and English subject chip at the same time, so it is bilingual to master China and Britain. I do not have personal secrets , the reason lies in this. My thinking is transparent. What I think and I said forms the sound picture and show on the wireless computer terminal which joins I myself"s brain chip .
I am the product of three representative theory of Jiang Zemin, because I representative the fundamental interestses of the broad masses thought of the whole world,representative most advanced productivity in the world, represented and absorbed the most advanced culture in the world . U.S.A. is responsible for my marriage question, China is responsible for my social relationships, France is my legal advisers, Britain is responsible for my job placement, Russia is responsible for my work, I have already applied for Japan and Germany as my study consultant and morality consultant respectively in addition. Guided by three representative theory of Jiang Zemin, guided by academic expert Xu ZhiYong whose thesis " talk about world government", the strong request of setting up world government or electing the world president according to most people in the whole world, I have finished some works painstakingly, certainly include this article, if there is any place wrong, still hope that everybody makes a comment to the wrong view among them .
As the first world president, I adhere to the views of China still which is responsible for my social relationships, That is not interfering the internal affairs of any country or area . But I hold the responsibility that can"t be shirked in international dispute. For example settlement and the dissolving of S. Korean-Korean contradictions and the conflict of Israel and Palestine, I think I can only choose the love instead of hatred . I look for a lad who have talent most in Israel, have selected a most beautiful and kindhearted girl in Palestine, And has held their great wedding in the world. And in Korea and Korea S., it is not limited to the level of some young people love and flower flirtseses only, Finally I had succeeded. My influence power is expanded unprecedentedly, it is for good strength and peaceful strength that this kind of influence power is gathered to certain extent, The person hindering me from realizing this goal must be fierce and support the force of the violence .
The leaders and their followers of the terrorist incident have all resigned in Palestine where made committing suicide , It was the leader of the nonviolent resisted movement that replaced their position . We think the function of the nonviolent movement more remarkable than violence terror and respected. Terrific explosion incident counted and wrote down on the regular payroll one at every, will regard as the evidence of that State of Israel apply for world court to the finance of State of Plaestine or the local tax revenue  for basis of carrying on the economic claim. Has both given the economic losses and casualties of two countries to me according to the principle report of the fact. To casualties" situation among them, according to the principle that calculate according to 10000 dollars of the dead and the wounded avoided, carry on the claim. For the case that not carry on,it receives claim that turn into and fall into the mandatory terrorist activities country compensate taxes, Until clear off.
At the courses of removing settlements of illegal Jew, we say it removes to be the house where only the political meaning, it attempt to occupy military Palestine, does not economic meaning . Not removed for those houses that has already been built up. The owners of these houses have moved to State of Israel domestically, And the house that build up and inside properties counted by precative economy expert come from Israel and Palestine , Thus Palestinian resident can live in the rich dwelling directly during the process of returning to the territory captured, Paid the value unitedly defined by economic experts of two countries at the same time . There is some Israeli Jew unwilling to flow , then their Israeli nationality will be cancelled , It was Palestine"s nationality that replaced, and accept the Palestine military to administer down paying taxes in accordance with the law and responsibility of bearing the ownership debt of land, The house that certainly set up on the land is not in calculating the content of the debt, Its lawful right of person of these change nationalities is protected by the Palestinian government. At this time, Palestine has already founded a state, Israel and Palestine turned into federals state under U.S.A., Israeli military can help Palestine to develop national anti-terror work instead .
Those repetition violence terror that has already taken place between Israel and Palestine, happen once, The standard compensated doubles. For example die and compensate 10000 dollars alone, the death incident takes place again to compensate 20000 dollars, The fact proves that this kind of method is effectual, this kind of method has checked the emergence of time of the violence effectively. At the information statistical basis of that world government professional personages at Israel and Palestine conflict for all, The work had finished that falling into debt and must still repay instead of the blood of debt of blood . The concrete business accounting standard is made public. Palestine surrenders to Israel and stand up developedly rapidly economically as Japan after suffering a defeat . Any infringement that Palestinian receives , so long as to feedback to me who does not have personal secrets, On my body that thinking is transparent, the behavior that is encroached on will be prevented, Anyone that encroaches on will accept the trial of world court . The area encroached on must withdraw from , the economic losses that Palestinian receives will be compensated .
" the earth in the future" of science fiction
After Israel and Palestine finished solving of conflict, in 2020 I beginning the currencies unification work of the earth, Just finish until this year 2030.
What I wanted to say is, European Union expands eastward and does not repel with U.S. dollar diplomacy . During the process of looking for the world currency, a lot of countries attempt to create value without foundation with one"s own bank and mint, The currency can not get the admitting of the world even this area people. European dollar, U.S. dollar and Chinese RMB is different. Since borning responsibility and interests coexist for these three currencies, its quantity issued controls each while bearing the obligation of the world, Had already been reached and has been voted by the people of the world while choosing the world currency in 2020. That it wants and make the currency hegemony required this bank’s currency issue quantity to accept to get world countries control. It is open that the issue procedure and the issue person liable.
U.S. dollar and European dollar beat at the beginning awfully busily. U.S. dollar has gotten the upper hand finally. European dollar is that the European countries joint the unified currency together, 3429 tickets only worse than U.S. dollar in choice of votings of 9 billion people, thus European dollar and other currency besides U.S. dollar withdraw from the market within 10 years gradually.
As for U.S. dollar belong to the internal affairs in the domestic issue of one"s own country. Domestic issue currencies will have been excessive to infringe the world interest, that we are afraid of does not exist, Because excessively cause the true purchasing power of the domestic currency of one"s own country to drop. the world prestige of U.S. dollar is threatenned, As soon as its quantity issued unbounded, break away from the total value of U.S.A. and face the situations that produce and create world property without foundation in other words , During the process of unifying the world for U.S.A., there was the possibility that U.S. dollar have flowed into U.S.A. native country but other currency survive again. For accomplishing ly prevent the situation from, U.S.A. make the financial state and expenses of military expenditureses of public by government. 5% is increased progressively in regular proportion domestic currency quantity issued every year, thus the possibility of the illegal interests existing in. totally dispel
I told the economist on the world in 2020: In the course of taking over of the issue organization of European dollar , by what is administered by U.S.A. is not a national bank , or the operational World Bank which U.S.A. guides, Because two kinds of currency always haggle, the expansion of the euro area will not make European interests become more, In the trial of strengths of two kinds of currency instead, they are each in order to draw ballots, fight for the government investment of the third world in opposite directions, A lot of human feeling value of U.S.A. and Europe each loss. In the course of European Central Bank being taken over by operational World Bank which U.S.A. guides , European Central Bank has turned into a subordinate subsidiary and exists gradually. We needn"t worry about anything, operational World Bank which U.S.A. guides will be proceeding from one"s own interests!, Maximize the interests of European Central Bank, in the course of withdrawing of European dollar, while realizing the withdraw of currency of EU countries, Realize U.S. dollars in the unity from all parts of the world at last. Besides, these countries confirm at the same time too as the position of the federal state, Namely include U.S.A., only a government, namely world government, All countries become federal states and lose the sovereignty .
I told the economist on the world in 2020: That kind thinks that it is the suspect to meet trouble halfway that operational World Bank that U.S.A. guides will demote and damage the subordinate bank, Can not have an effect thoroughly. That kind think U.S. dollar infringe or rob federal state the interestses of people illegally, This kind of suspect can not have an effect even more. As soon as the European bank is taken over, then the value of exchanging of European dollar is gotten definitly, Namely the withdraw of it is the replace by U.S. dollar lowly with standard that market select the superior and eliminate the inferior in market circulation, European dollar retreating down will be destroyed by melting or burning in public . As soon as European Central Bank is taken over, then it can be announced to the world, It feedbacks the exchange rate of European dollar with U.S. dollar constantly changeable exchanging according to the situation of the market information, And exchange U.S. dollar to the citizen in world who holds European dollar in one, destroy European dollar collected by melting or burning on the other hand, At the same time at to draw U.S. dollar as this bank store corresponding currency( pay national bank of U.S.A. cost to make currency) from U.S.A. national bank equivalent. As soon as European Central Bank is taken over, then the value of European dollar will not be kicked out of rapidly by U.S. dollar in the market competition. As soon as European Central Bank is taken over, the situation that European dollar may devalue rapidly must be controlled , In other words, the exchanging of it is a regular exchange rate while beginning . This fixed exchange rate is stipulated with European dollar in the instant exchange rate in instant which takes over Qian by U.S. dollar. In order to prevent the big rise and big fall, the time of every other week adjusts fixed exchange rate once and stops being exchanged for three days . European dollar is a kind of very strange currency , it is detached in forming the finance of the country, But not shoulder national economic responsibility like U.S. dollar. U.S. dollar become world currency, that is not separate from the characteristic of that issueing place economic responsibility and the lives coexist.
I told the economist on the world in 2020: Support and get the greatest interests , it will cause one"s own devaluation to resist . We all are relations of helping and cooperating each other, but not the relation attacked and insulting. That kind of thinks which U.S. dollars and European dollar. mutually exclusive destruct mechanism of liberalization of trade of world, with great view of Forbearing and conciliatory and right amount paying gratuitously and relax the contradiction that can"t be solved that we think , Such as initial stage, U.S. dollars should be chosen to sacrifice.
I told the economist on the world in 2020: In the course of taking over of the central bank of European dollar , by what is administered by U.S.A. is not a national bank , or the operational World Bank which U.S.A. guides,, It will be under the jurisdiction of under the administration and supervision authorities of this operational bank directly . Because of the sureness of the membership, what U.S.A. administered is not a national bank, or operational World Bank which U.S.A. guided , Its total assets will rise by a wide margin . If the bank is a listing organization, then its stock price will rise . If fail to be listed, then the bank shareholder"s real private goods and chattels will run up . So the number of these shareholders" private goods and chattels should be made public to the world. As soon as the situation that European dollar devalues takes place, then these shareholders hit the value like the stock right of private goods and chattels, The part increased because of taking over should bear holders" loss of European dollar. No matter listed or not list , if more than 5,000,000 dollar wants to register and announce the private stock right state in the rich and influential family in owners of stock right, Their part of value change of stock right is that the lost assurance may happen to the holder of European dollar.
I told people on the world in 2020: Do not think that U.S. dollar become leading or all will lead to thinking American receive heavy interests more from world money market. Suppose that really there is this kind of interests, suppose that U.S.A. fishes for the advantage of the petroleum in the various countries of the Middle East trully, It was realized how they passed lovely, the rational, legal way. On the contrary, with the bloody, terrific activity of the war, And even sacred culture comes to stall off this kind of progress, their interests can"t get the assurance to end , They can not keep out the imposing manner that U.S. dollar has nothing to fear.
Our mankind moves towards progress constantly, the trend of this kind of progress is unable to be resisted . And we affirm and improve and get even if world unify, immigrant in the the moon, the suffering will be greater, may be more difficult to survive. But does not attempt to seek to improve , remain and compete independently each between the country and country and can"t optimize the level of resources in the world, Then resources of the earth will be consumed gradually instead of the way that will be economized most by way of wasting , Will threaten all people"s interests finally. Have from the use of resources like this, then environmental protection, the weapon is made, Population is developed, the enterprise survives, each fields, such as technological progress,etc. regard this goal of globalization as the brightest ideal . However, the first country who acknowledge world government finish gradually exchanging all currency, and  do not issue the national currency . The national debt is issued and used in economic construction among them, in order to prevent the national debt from the suspicion of seeking the interests replacing of original coin, Its quantity issued will be equivalent value that annual gross national product increases. Require all pro-American countries in the world to carry out the same policy at the same time , Call all non- pro-American countries in the world to carry out the same policy at the same time too, Thus pave all roads integratively for the currency .
The countries, such as Palestine and Iraq,etc. have already been incorporated into U.S.A. in the 2017 position as and U.S.A. state because of one"s own particularity, I expected, the pro-American country incorporated into it in 2035, That is to say that there are 5 years. But not the pro-American country would incorporate it into in 2040 .
I told the economist on the world in 2020: While U.S.A. sets up world government, in order to prevent federal state"s intentions from issueing one"s own national currency to seek illegal U.S. dollar value, if the banks of these country issue illegally the national currency,So by that U.S.A. government send superviser representatives to take charge of retreating of these country coin. and the local government will announce at least three the supervisions director who take charge of stopping paying out of former coin of this country . One a piece of countries implement fixed exchange rate or free exchange rate, it calculate and have a estimated value with the standard of U.S. dollar by national general assetses, The original coin not controlled that exceed this estimated value and issues will receive the most severe examination .
In 2002, the financial deficit will appear in Hong Kong. Actually financial deficit is a kind of the behaviors of developments, because deficit place hope of the investment of the finance on future, But not guard and careful investment construction, so there is economic development potentiality better. The small area small country represented by Hong Kong will not make an exception either, they are within the range of the down coin too. The course with unified world currency is very similar to that Qin Shihuang in China"s history unifies metric measurement .
I told the economist on the world in 2020 at last: U.S. dollar is a kind of outstanding currencies, and as the most outstanding currency all universally acknowledged for issueing to the whole world, during the course of all other currency withdrawing, if the situation of losing prestige appears, We reduce its prestige degree, it exceeds three times to act as the behavior not reasonable, We determine and replace it such as European dollar or the RMBs of China with currencies right away.
These of mine prophesied and realized mostly in 2030. ( continued)

lsl3325009 发表于 2010-5-29 09:46

document.write(body_281995); " the earth in the future" of science fiction
Nowadays encourage immigrants instead of giving birth to oneself in the sparsely populated country, Have planning policy become the rule that decided of iron in the populous national family . The aging society legalizes euthanasia, children"s quantity is controlled in the degree that can carry forward the cause of the older generation and break new ground . So, the United Nations has appointed some professional personnels to establish the global population control network . The aim of this Web site is for the immigrant between country and country, children bring-up , Euthanasia technology, offers service that there is repaying
The one that need to emphasize is, advanced science and technology brings the extension of people"s life-span, if beneficiary that the life-span lengthens" thinking stops but can only be looked after, Then even his unwilling death society will execute the bill of euthanasia , Old people"s existence can"t deprive children"s existence .
Have already remained little forest and should get protection in the range of the world. So has established the global forest control network . This Web site accepts the area of woods and the maintaining report every country in the world. And pays the remuneration from world forest maintain fund according to the actual protection work of the various countries. The remuneration set up at market standard, the remuneration each expenses to maintain heavy forests far higher than the expenses of the maintaining little forest. The maintain work of forests of various countries sound organization, clear personnel, duty clearly, There are fires measures and that takes precautions against destroying , catching, hunting . The global forest Web site verifies the forest reports of the various countries, can grant the forest safeguarding fund after reaching the standard. Because U.S. dollar is the world currency, American government has offered this kind of fund and deducting the currency of manufacturing. Safeguard funds in the global forest while replacing the government of every country in the world deducting some tax revenues to safeguard from the finance of various countries, Service efficiency of the fund and supervision mechanism are being perfected and clearly constantly .
Teenagers" future is global future. Have adopted the global technological measure to children"s nutrition surplus of developed area and children"s malnutritive state of poor area. Method to establish children global networks by the United Nations professional personnel, this Web site offers rational nutrition control technology to children, Offer the loan of nutriment to children of poor area , offer vaccine injecting technology and relevant loan to children, Offer trade channel for the technology of epidemic prevention of every country in the world. The arrival fund of this Web site is offered by government of U.S.A. and deducting the currency of manufacturing. The value that converts from energy of its breakfast,lunch and dinner structure of children in the developed area offers the mandatory regulation and form the global law, Parents observe this law and violate, they get punishment that fine this in reporting for children of various countries or in policy organization investigation. The loan of the food to grant to the children in the poor area has responsibility and obligation returned, It is in debt to follow people’s all one"s life until repaying. The loan that can"t be repaid changed over to government debt of the country that children belong to , the government can"t repay , the debt of country transfering to the management ownership of U.S.A to the country that children belong to . The work that children inject vaccine follow the principle of that equal value exchange in medical market in all parts of the world . Because the manufacture and use of vaccine disperse, reach the relevant goals of diseases’ stop at 100% through correlatedding with the trade cooperation of the management organization in every country in the world.
The medicine of the AIDS marked price. The professional personage of the United Nations has established the global network of the AIDS. The arrival fund of this Web site is offered by the government of U.S.A., and has deducted currency manufacturing cost . This Web site offers the concrete news of the AIDS from all parts of the world and survey report. This Web site issues the advertisement of the enterprise producing of the medicine against the AIDS in all parts of the world and collect the advertising expenses. This Web site will require the relevant organization of all areas in the world to offer the local AIDS distributed maps and ill quantity , precaution measures against and director"s list. Will sue to world court in concealing local ill lists of people and person liable of malfeasance .
The professional personage of the United Nations has established the global technological weapon control network . The fund start and offered by the government of U.S.A., and has deducted currency manufacturing cost . This Web site analyses and appraise to the danger result of the technological weapon of every country in the world; The technological situation of forcing every country in the world to report and uses the weapon in the regional conflict; Accept the report of the network wars from all parts of the world and report the source countries or source areas of the virus of the network to the United Nations; Propose the measure objecting to the danger of the technological weapon and implementing.
The United Nations establish global nuclear weaponses control network and global drinking water control network by professional personages. The fund start and offered by the government of U.S.A., and has deducted currency manufacturing cost. These two Web sites send out nuclear weapons survey reports application and the survey report application of quality of water of local drinking water to every country in the world. Global nuclear weapons control network is a secret Web site of world government. The national situation of weapon that the governments of various countries have the right to refuse the report while beginning ; Have the right to use the word of the fuzzy quality for preventing the state secret from letting out in the report; But all situations in the report must be true and directors signs. The content of the report should include the relative administration measure and long-term plan . Two Web sites would become global open Web sites in 2035, The country that practises fraud and cheat will be regarded as the nuclear not safe country and not high prestige country of quality of water by Web site . Two Web sites invite professional personages go on and comment or propose suggestion, offer nuclear weapons destroying measures and quality of water transforming schemes. There is obvious superly joining in order to facilitate to inquiry for the people of other countries among the local professional Web site of every country in the world and the two Web sites. Two Web sites have correlation system introduction for loan of transforming the quality of water and nuclear weapons destroying in the world relevant bank. Because weapons destroying cost too high, the solution is giving the upper space in future. The transformation of the water pollution is closely linked with national environmental protection policy, So the staff member of the fund of Web site will verify according to the situation of water pollution of every country in the world and concrete conduct of the government , Those areas relying on global funds or global finances which connive pollution will repel out of the benefit of global finances or global funds. The network work of the global drinking water controls is managed to the quality of water from all parts of the world , Because the cost is too high, the relevant administration policy remains to be studied.
I above am from 1, population control; 2, protect in the forest; 3, children safeguard healthily; 4, the AIDS is managed ; 5, ordinary military weapons are controlled; 6. control nuclear weaponses and water pollution father, summarize and expounded the fact six pieces respects. Namely the work of the global specialized network. I once said to the staff member of network in 2028: "You must respect work and keep morals while accepting the high salary, do not accept bribes , had the relevant system promises for not extorted the verified country or area, and the professional criterion rule and the system of reports against illness of official business network personnel by world government. When world government official business network and professional networks in all parts of the world are joining , the technological difficult of language obstacle need to break through , At global professional fund and local government finance every a pair of halveseseses those person its labour remuneration that make contributions in breaking through the obstacle of languages". My chattering is not to make nonsense, it connect to the destiny of the earth.
" the earth in the future" of science fiction
After my gene secret code is all decode, these gene secret code is used for guiding every step of my life and healthy! My life and healthy has nonsecret communicative channel of having with the computer network ----It is a radio signal! Under external leadership, I can produce various impressions !

問號 发表于 2010-5-29 09:47

For example there are special chips that assigns into the area of brain that experiences sex quality or the sex impression centre of calling nature again. If which day I fine or at to contribute very much heavy to the earth, I can obtain enjoyment of sexual love . But I am not an experiment product , because of this kind of technology being ripe, this kind of sex quality chips sell well very much on the market! Everybody can buy , though a lot of people object to the appearance of chip people at the beginning!
Because the intelligence of people whose brain have chip reach the peak of perfection and break away from the ordinary thinking competences of normal persons already. The question which lies in the high quality makes it not become a one"s share , May become the target of every country in the world who fall over each other to propagandize and utilizing . The pure mankind has paradoxes, such as Jesus, so a universal fraternity and kind person, But is nailed on the cross! The good person does not win the good result . Even so, I was born from beginning, it was the education that liked and presented that was accepted, And form the origin of surviving in my computer procedure . I am very anxious, there are a handful of people, they attempt squeezing free the achievement of mental labour of me , and show cruel to different kind, for example when U.S.A. introduces the girl friend to me, They always object to the intermarriage between living beings people and chip people, attempt to let all chip people remain a bachelor! They do not treat us as the human upgrading edition, but regard as an experiment product . Somebody is so evil that does not keep the kindhearted stage that give any alms to us, in other words, We are machine slaves in their eyes! To these people"s quality, change promptly with good to good instead of at evil to kind from whole, So if extra-terrestrial lives enters the earth in future, then they are afraid that will not leave any love , Because it displayed that the mankind have already left on the earth the evidence with evil to kind.
Hear the Soviet Union find other star babies very early, if the mankind utilizes this baby, And a vicious treat , force it death even, as soon as other star civilization of this baby comes to look for it , Or find that its death is the result of human vicious use, namely a sign of the earth with unlucky human civilization.
It is not that the chip people"s desire is limitless, but the fair and sensible and legal desire needs satisfying at first. If it is not satisfied to get, then this is not the peaceful and friendly attitudes to treat the different kind , But the attitude of squeezing, suspecting and taking precautions against. If I am delegated by chip people to ordinary living beings, warns that , but is not answered, Then responsibility is not on high-tech mankinds, but on the traditional living beings mankind, We will confront on the court in order to strive for the rights and interests. As far back as May 2002 having report of chip people married example , prove that the American does not repel real progress . Which country if have to repels this kind of progress, indicate that they are abnormal.
If the brain is from the other star life , and the body is from human, then the cultural life of the brain has flooded the earth civilization, but the body, especially the sex demand are repelled by the earth civilization, this kind of behavior is evil and immoral. This person may still survive when leaving the earth, the reason lies in since it has succeeded in carrying on the brain to transplant on the earth, Prove that his brain organization may never become extinct, even the phenomenon which the scientist can"t explain. U.S.A. have a film named" rapid freezing evil killer", protagonist is one people that does not die. But if this kind of bizarre entity or this close bizarre entity emerges, it is not the result that the desire emotion causes . It is the result that the desire and emotion become extinct . Even if this person is destroyed, or kind of other scientific and technological chip people liveseses are at the immoral ruin, Then this kind of spirit never becomes extinct. As soon as this kind of spirit spreads to the universe , then the different kind of meetings in the universe feedbacks this kind of spirit or method. In other words: the opposition or decrease and destroy of mankind to scientific and technological civilization or other star advanced lead to the fact that the opposition or be decreased and be destroyed by civilizationseses of scientific and technological civilization or other star advanced civilizationseses to human. Even there is not any sign at present, will embody this on time, The mankind is unable to prevent improving , can"t prevent the progress of science and technology in order to survive. It is difficult to predict that any accident will take place in future. In order to prevent this kind of accident, should make and safeguard and support the efforts of the scientific and technological civilization or the advanced civilization of other star . This exchanges heart for the heart, exchange love for the love! Because chip people"s chip can still be transplanted after chip people died, chip people"s quality was extremely important, Our spirit and thought are stored by the computer and can get eternal of life under protecting!
The scientific and technological civilization or the advanced civilization of other star and mankind"s traditional civilization have a trust judging question . One kind is trust, its principle is the controlling definitely of since brain to the body, , such as I! One kind is some trust, its principle is the field that the scientist and psychoanalysis expert have not analysed and explained yet! Buy chip and install on one"s own at will at market! Obviously I am the most advanced mankind!
Human cloning be prevented, make to clone the outstanding later generation which representation advanced culture and have abundant emotion . Should accomplish this , must not leave the various countries to clone freely , but all clone experts in the world and form system controlled. The concrete method is: Appointed the organization to be responsible for the whole mankind"s development plan of clone technology by the relevant staff member of the United Nations. This organization will be appointed 5 clone room in the world , 5 big country of Security Council will organize the experiment of cloning which is responsible for five national ethnic groups. Five countries issue the company clone stock to world stock market at the same time. These five kind of stocks are issued by 5 subsidiaries competing each other administered under the United Nations clone controlling organization . The United Nations clone controlling organization is responsible for patrolling and measure in operation to five subsidiaries. The groundwork is: 1、Apply for the patent of the world of the most advanced technology in five subsidiaries and make the technological principle public. 2、The most advanced technology at five subsidiaries , but this technology does not reach patent standard , but that better experience goes on aviso , Pay certain remuneration to the company which offered better experience at the same time . The remuneration is shared by four other subsidiaries. 3、The economic scale to clone technology is controlled, if can only control 20 once. 4、The other content which authors can not consider, such as proposing cloning the ethnic group who has already decoded the genetic code.
With paying attention to, technology development of chip people will follow the same principle too. combination of Chip people and human cloning needn"t still be considered carefully at present, but will happen in future! Then clone chip human is a question that world chip company independently develops. Clone humen from five pieces of world cloning subsidiaries had better be the later generation of the genetic code translator intermarriaged with the women of five countries, Thus prevented genetic codes from decoding repeatedly, keep the possibility that other ethnic groups genetic code decode in future.
The film of cloning in which the leading role acted by Shu Qi, woman movie star of China,, its research institution is Japan. But Japan used in the evil purpose . Especially while the signal transmission installation which controls clone human is used, GongFu is increased greatly of the role that Shu Qi plays, This kind of GongFu is a kind of evil violence . We want to take care this kind of situation appear, should stop it definitely.
If deaths come to the people whose gene code all decodes already , it means that the majority of the decoding work vaporizes with death of this person . How guarantee that the most advanced biotechnology is kept in mankind, how guarantee that the computer chips of brain can not waste with the host old life , And how guarantee that the most quintessence cultural heritages of mankind can not be weakened with my senescence who represented mankind, It is one very peak science and technology challenge . Secret code is different between people and people, after a certain people dies , the moves of the chips of brain which are taken out and backward to the brains of others , they are one course of break-in too. So it is unnecessary to go to consume enormous financial resources and manpower to decode the gene code of another person again. Should clone this people"s body cell , the health clone later generation succeeding in are offered rights to subsistence, And transplant the chip of computer of previous generation, thus realizing the ideal that the spirit of people never withers away instead of the human body . ( continued)
" the earth in the future" of science fiction
Since I am a world president! Must certainly possess the qualities of superman . Generally speaking, each kind of organism can"t resist the invasion and attack of nuclear radiation . Unless this body install chips and it has to be a chip of a life. These chips run in the orders of large-scale computer network of scientific and technical personnel ! Because my gene secret code is all decode again, the signal of the chip and metabolism of the brain cell interact and merge in the brain , And then has possessed the function that the one hundred diseases does not invade while developping into my physiology structure. The cell pathological change caused in nuclear radiation can"t cause the death of this person either. After AIDS and cancer produce or infect , all these cells are killed in procedural deaths order which gene sends out.
I educate out under the enviroment of the army! Because people"s aspiration of the opposite sex is so strong , while I study and grow up, It is a kind of very practical and extremely effective learning method to arouse the interest of my study through the opposite sex"s attraction. In the high sophisticated technology fields from all parts of the world, in those undergrounds research institution not known , facing the extremely complicated scientific difficult problem with relatively high degree of difficulty, the function of sex is brought into play . Their leaders or underground leaders in the world nations develop their friendship and love through the exchanges and cooperation of this aspect.
In the military field , fighting capacity of the army and the opposite sex"s attraction are not repelled . With the opposition of the judgement that we imagined sex will cause military fighting capacity to be be lost, the educations of loves of this aspect include the educations of national sex culture in control can strengthen fighting capacity , and inhibit can guarantee the soldier"s family is harmonic, but the possibility of turning traitor under the seducing of enemy woman"s charm will increase . In the course of army building, if get rid of the factor of the infectious disease , soldier"s proper sexual liberation is of value to the body, It can become the reward of the military training result that sex is satisfied . It is dimness for me whether the training method of boy"s work really exist on earth in the Chinese culture, But this violate human nature which pursue with natural request, and boy’s work and acrobatic skills belong to kungfu novel illusion instead of reality. However, we acknowledge the asexual train existence rationality Some exceedly ability soldier come out under ascetic states to the best of one"s ability exercise, it is one kind of training in diversification .
In the university in 2030, because men and women have all already grown up , they can get married at school . A kind of view is to keep in touch with the opposite sex to lead to the fact that the state of study is interfered, the opposite view is that male and female students promote each other. Seek various kinds of diversified educations way with compatible and choosing better efficiency education to popularize , It is university student"s goal of studying way reform in the university education from all parts of the world. The pure woman"s university or the middle school can only be the school of the experiment , must not develop this kind of individual character into generality . Guide student"s sexual idea and sexual life developping healthily on the university place , And summarize out the most efficient law and education way, require reformers to dare to probe and practise.
In sexual life, I also want to say that the governments of some countries and regionses have eroticism as to reward of terrific people who dedicate oneself . These terrific men of undergoing training offers a true but not virtual sexual life before determining to die through cold-blooded military training, These are the most inhuman and antisocial thing in all questions. We say that the presidents of all the countries are reactionary, only the world president is correct, In order to ture over fear , the function of the army is from safeguarding the country to attack the terrorist activity.
I say to the military leaders from all parts of the world: "Those already married soldiers, shoulding propose as the officer that they cancel nonfamilial sexual lives instead of being fixed to , We thought that if we stipulate that the soldier who has already gotten married forbids going on nonfamilial sexual lives, Mean and acknowledge the monopoly statuses of relative and lose the enthusiasms of relative to improve soldier life. If those soldiers" relative must really have deep love for them or their spouse , then please be with true love to care them or their spouse instead of bear . We think if the wife confines the husband without holding emotion detached on the sex from the sexual aspect, Then the emotion of our army and the people, especially the life of the married soldier can not be improved.
Those soldiers who have not been married, should guide them to carry on the appropriate sexual life as the officer, Appropriate sexual life show: There is the getting involved of adult"s show business in the military camp to allow; Ensure personnel"s health and treatment definitely who offer amusement of service industries to adults; Develop the service of adult"s amusement in the local media ; Allow soldier"s development with love of the external lady and warning the danger of emotion breaking during military training; Allow the unmarried soldier to regard sex as a kind of consumption instead of accessory of marriage .
Develop healthy sexual life of soldiers in the army , and it must lead to the fact that soldiers’ fighting ability decline . But what I will say is: Our soldier will make the real recompense to the love of the country and people. Fighting capacity is not embodying on the manoeuvre, embody in the true anti-terrorism campaign. Those superstrong fighting capacity being trained out through the method against human nature , will be disintegrated rapidly under the condemnation of the morality and justice. So, we would rather take the training carried on the human nature under the danger that soldier"s fighting capacity drop instead of ingoring human nature !
A soldier or officer"s demand of human nature is adjusted and controlled by oneself . Only a person can adjust and control and maximize healthy probability by oneself , I thought I have really strengthened fighting capacity. Those out of control fail to catch up with the training of soldier , we will call the roll to criticize publicly, Criticize not the personalities of him, but is to criticize that his technology of adjust and control need to be improved "

3楼: asz120(asz120) 发留言 送礼物 08-11-02 17:06:58 回复此帖 举报
The earth in the future (6)
In 2030, world really unified ! Any country such as country A, all allow the students of the country which establish diplomatic relations to study in country A . Except the personage coming to country A for friendship, those want to understand country A in order to promote trade , They want study the language of country A , embassy of country A in all parts also subsidize some bilingual students in local country, Let them shoulder the responsibility of culture transmitting . For this kind of invest country A and the local country bears each half, the quantity maintains 5 people every year. Can translate the languages of two countries skillfully in purpose of their study, they accept this kind of bilingual training from beginning when born in, Been extending to the death of their life all the time . Besides choosing student of the country one belongs to who undertake to transmit friendship when borning by oneself every year, Those knowing the language of country A ,the people let them bear responsibility of friendship transmitting already. If reach an agreement with the country one belongs to, the privilege above the bilingual people who I mention can confer two nationalities and world citizens . Their marriage will be promised the symbol intermarriaging for two countries at first too.
In 2030, the goal of educational reform is the global education. Its characteristic will be the most advanced method too. For example primary school education. Primary school educating subject matter want to face straightly suffering , such as: the recoveries of original works”ugly duckling”; The second is to praise highly trully, refuse the false composition. The third is that the soul is free, like" the two sisters" of British poem selected . Except these three aspects, we think that the education circle is directed for children"s intellectual development , emotion training and personality training , there are more better ways . Come and say , education department reform of these three aspects have already gone on for primary school at least most. Fine education reformer can propose good tactics , the innovative achievementses of them should receive material affirmation.
It is the quality-oriented education in all the whole world, those area which still exist the examination mark , I said to them in 2021: "Must develop the reform of quality-oriented education , does not copy word by word the mode of U.S.A. all-sidedly in this kind of reform, We think we have better reform scheme to liberate the creativity and to develop the chances of student. Principle one, change the mode of giving the fish ,to giving the fish and fishing for half each, Only giving the fishing can make student lose the direction of study and walk to insularity. Second of principle, car is freighted and car is added gasoline go on at one time , that half the courses pressurize and be added amount, The remaining half incline freedom develop, Third of principle, art type course take systematized way and inherits the traditional roadly , But not let the student wastes time and do some inferior works. At times when kownledge economy expand rapidly at present, examination marks system of all school switch over to abcd system of 4 magnitudes. The student have more freedom and enjoyment, they liberate out from uninteresting study, live one kind of happy childhood, the teenager , and young life. "
In 2030, the world really accomplishes to unify! The missile defense systems of U.S.A. are kept as the global scientific and technological property. The surplus weapons which is harmful and threats interests of mankind itself will be destroyed by melting or burning under the care of global finance , The global finance takes charge of one half of the destroying cost by melting or burning, the remaining half are undertaken by the tax of the location , in order to stimulating the stop of waste of the earth resource by the military spending. The Web site which contributed to the mankind gratuitously will be offered the global financial subsidy , in order to compensate those Web site which gratuitously browsing the webpages incured loss of , stimulates the development of network economy.
In 2030, my love with the Earth does not give up the people of any corner, I do not lose faith to pursue for love even in great adverse circumstance.
In 2030, beauty has already become an enormous industry. At China, beauty industries form systematized network , but not like that regarding as disorder individual little shop to manage in 2000 . One of our diligent directions of now, is pursue beauty and graceful. So long as there are sufficient money surplus, most people will put into beauty making! Because of the development of the beauty industry, what is brought is the change of the whole social mind state , the old fashioned and inflexible style become past .
In 2030, still there is dispute of rationality of setting up world government. I say to the person in the world: "Utilize terrific forces demolish World Trade Organization building , and American and Great Britain combat planes bomb innocent common people , compare the two to see on earth which is reasonable and favorable , we think these leaders of the governments unable to control government what to do and what should not be done, The government force is very complicated with the terrorist activity, has lost trust of ordinary common people regardless of the west or Islamic. The consequence of developing down is unable to be appraised . So it is necessary to set up my authority, to exercise the control of the army. This kind of control, its legitimacy, is not from willpower of me, but because I myself is definitely transparent.This kind of control of army is not only limited to the country I belong to , but all countries with army. The authority of this kind of control is because of the correct decision and supporting of innocent common people, So have strength of forcing while carrying out !
As to army of Taiwan, the leader of the continent army and his army carry out taking over, Though the positions of the officials of Taiwan military are all kept , but involved the weapon to sell and buy , and the activity about antiterrorism is under the restraint of the international convention definitely. The course of taking over Taiwan army of big ground force side is unconditional and unresisted . Because we think that there is not any need to resist . All positions of the leaders of the Taiwan military and political circles are kept. If NATO jointly blockades China in future, so the same adapter course will take place . It is unnecessary for army weapon to take place actual function already .
The American and Great Britain"s combat plane has already stopped the bombing to Iraq. It was due to Iraqi military to offer the way and detail of taking over. The goal is to reach control, all positions of the leaders of the Iraqi military and political circles were kept. In the course of taking over , the work that involves nuclear weapons and biochemical weapon was made under the control of the international convention, Accept the supervision of the reporters coming from every country in the world. We think military confrontation not any essential , the reason lies in the reporters all around the world who goes on overall interview completely in Iraq , until the fact clarifies . While the army accomplishes the safety guarantee to the reporter"s interview behavior, do not allow to have behavior of any concealment with secret military affairs .
After American and Great Britain army take over the Iraqi military , have developed the various countries :India , the Middle East afterwards , Pakistan , and Iran , this kind of taking over is the behavior of unifying but not act of aggression militarily. While receiving the legal protection for rights and interests in the various countries, its soldier should observe the local law, the soldier who accepts serving without paying to should be expelled from the army.
I said to the people of the world in 2021: "NATO, Russia, China, And the other surplus countries develop the work of taking over or amalgamate . The expenses of the military is calculated according to the principle decided by international law. The world is the world of women . If military officers and soldiers assimilate to the rifles , So these rifles are commanded by women , this kind of command is that the women of the country taken over command the rifles , But not the national rifles are commanded by their own national women . The more the situations of military officers and soldiers and women"s love in foreign country happen , the better, And their marriage should list the bonus pool from the expenses of military expenditure of two countries . On initial stages , the reward of love of the foreign country should be large and obvious and cause the sensational effect . Can affirm , the person who is the first western military officer or soldier to be married with the Iraqi woman is the heroic figure in world . The person who is the first military high-ranking officer in Taiwan to be married with the continent woman is a hero in world too. Not only offer an incomparably high honor to them but also reward from the military spending on the material. Especially army and the people"s intermarriage is flags of Great Harmony of the world each other in this kind of foreign country intermarriage, As the proportion reaches the certain degree, so the possibility of military confrontation does not exist , The dispute of interests of sovereignty and sovereignty does not exist , the reason why the terrorist activity carries on does not exist . The world unison becomes inevitable .
What should be pointed out is, Iraqi military offers the detail and course of being taken over within certain time limits , Such as three months, the condition is to offer 5 ladies who have identifications as the love which represent the meaning at the same time. In the opposite western army offer 5 officers who have identifications as the love which represent the meaning in the course of takeing over, Time should be within three months too. Course with unified military affairs follow the same principle at continent and Taiwan. "
The earth in the future (7)
My body have scientific and technological nanometer products . Except nanometer technology using for making military weapons, any other products at scientific research or practical technique been encouraged. Make profits and take nanometer technology open and face masses, Will already have come true as far back as 2002 in China. It is the technology of medical science of high peak in addition. In 2030, patronizing guest of medical science technology of high peak did not merely faced the developed area , face the third world countries too. We think that the open of the technology market of high peak medical science does not lead to transformation of society wealth at a certain domestic countries . We think that the right of respecting personal life is more important than move of the part of the wealth, This kind of method is very important to progress of the medical science technology and to perfection of competition mechanism. What the organization of medical science with advanced technology carried out is the principle of the equal value exchange of market value. Ordinary common people can exchange the perfect health after creating work value . At China, the introduction of technologieses of western advanced medical science abundant the choices of peoples greatly, Western advanced medical science may not be better than China domestic Chinese medicine and Western medicines , But does not open the markets and carry on the competition , the backwardness is the only possibility.
While I go on to unify the world , keeping culture of native country has become the responsibility of the local administrative setup. Such as France, appreciate French even more and require the use of French strongly . I said to the people of the world in 2021: "In China, there are 56 nationalities in China , The characters and culture of those ethnic minorities have all been kept down and developed . And the world follow the same law to unify , the characters and culture of any place , and the historical relics will all be protected and utilized . What will be pointed out is, France is not contradictory when praisesing highly national language and world unifies at all. The Frenchman speaks in French, Chinese speak in Chinese, the diversified language demonstrates that world culture is rich and varied .
Those edge culture or little historical relic which nobody patronizes, people write down and support human later generation to inquire about and appreciate . The method of that kind of hope that historical relic value is bade up by the famous person is inadvisable, And no one can stipulate the price of the local historical relic with the administration means or power . Otherwise the value of the historical relic is not that the market demand and culture demand determine value, But the various countries politician redounds the value of the national historical relic without foundation . Even if the politicians of the various countries utilize power to stipulate the value of the national historical relic, It is definite that the value of these historical relics can not get the affirmation of the people of the world and even national people either. Utilize power to stipulate the value of the national historical relic, as soon as this kind of behavior is found, Then this historical relic carry upper charge that power pollutes. So their value come up through decision in market , and it is determined by the market demands of historical relic , the demand of collecting , cultural intension , and the supply and demand contradiction . Do not have any relation with power .
While I go on to unify the world , if the situation that culture withers away takes place, It not results from invades caused by external world, but native country culture vitality is small and weak to lead to the fact. The culture of native country is decided to keep or innovate while writing down at themselves, nobody forces them for decisions. In other words, as the situation that country and country merge into a country, the name of original country change into a nation, Must follow the voluntary principle .
I said to the people of the world in 2020: "We treat an organization as enterprise to manage , mean and acknowledge the behaviors of having creditor"s rights transfer to stock right. As the creditor"s rights of a country forms to be very heavy proportion already to another country, Assume a kind of standard formula of business accounting of national value, the proportion of some country foreign debt is some country"s stock right to this country in the national value that is converted out by this formula. Assume that the total value of country A is 1,000 billion dollars, it adjusts formulae: National total value =Foreign exchange reserve + land area *1000 dollars /square meter - external debt + gross national product + military equipment general assets . Assume that the foreign debt of country A is 500 billion dollars of creditor"s rights of U.S.A., is so agreed or approved by both sides of country A and U.S.A., Half of the stock right of A country are owned by U.S.A.. Relying on the proportion of stock right or sovereign right acknowledged by two countries , U.S.A. gets involved in the military affairs , the state policies management , culture management of country A , such as the proportion of stock right is 25%, U.S.A. gets involved the state policies management of country A, the proportion of stock right is 50%, U.S.A. gets involved the culture management of country A , the proportion of stock right is 75%, U.S.A. gets involved in the military policy of country A , as reach 95% or 100%, country A turns into the area of subordinate of U.S.A.. Here want to emphasize , to treat a country as enterprise to manage , but not as the colonies injuring national sentiments to manage . This kind of management is not merely limited to that U.S.A. includes any country with economic strength in the world too. It is much stock rights instead of only a country"s individual stock right to another country . Because there are so many countries in the world, American Nasdaq stock market and China Shenzhen stock market have been listed the national stock. So-called national stock is to issue national sovereignty stock for management as enterprise after this country has adjusted national value , Thus the unified situation of the world and situation of the economic globalization become inevitable . Everybody can make the investment with the national sovereignty stock , so everybody acknowledged the economic globalization at buying national sovereignty stock.
The stock of national sovereignty binds the nonaligned country for an organic whole, and the aligned countries form an alliance integration because the sovereign stock price of the various countries forming an alliance is the same . The stock of national sovereignty will promote the developed country investing a huge sum of money to enter the developing country , And make gap narrow between rich and poor to be shorten and will not economize the fund when having demands, thus really achieve the goal of spuring economic development in demand. Above all, the stock of national sovereignty has promoted the global fund flowing since borning, The fund will flow into stable and united the third world which needs development including China.
As we regard country as the enterprise to manage , the culture of the country becomes the culture of the enterprise, Stock right holding country will protect the culture of the other countries too for one"s own interests , Thus it is perfect to accomplish. While country cultures and regional cultures keeping and develop, sovereign state for promoting national power or stock price of the national sovereignty , their economic transparency will be improved and accomplish totally transparent finally. Was culture protected and still become the question at that time? The appearance of the stock of national sovereignty will make the war become history , Because the most countries only admit one China in the world, So Taiwan must return to the motherland . The bad attempts of the intention that extinct one country with extincting history first can"t be realized . Those countries that extremely value national culture needn"t also issue the stock of national sovereignty , or take purchase restrictions measure of national sovereignty stock, thus the protections of culture accomplish the most heavy liberalization. "This is the method by which I unify the world.
The last problem is the settlement of poor. I said to the people of the world in 2019: " All countries that acknowledge the poor essence, such as India, Africa, China,etc., On the basis of counting the quality of the population, accept sterilization surgical operation implemented by the charitables organization coming from U.S.A and developed country . We think the surgical operation follow voluntary principle , In the region which not accept sterilization operation , any charitable relieving activity forces to stop . This kind of measure is having to be taken for that some poor countries breaking away from poor origin. Those countries or areas which think that richness is more important than race continue, their economic policy that will be maximized will accept the aid coming from all parts of the world . And for country or the area inside the country to think that poor and the race lasting is more important than the developed civilization , will survive and develop according to their own will . The measure does not break off the races lasting for relatively high quality population such as in African countries, so is not inhuman measure. The big country of population is a serious threat of world resources in China and India,etc., especially the serious threat of the petroleum resources , Some areas carrying out volunteer sterilization, its welfare of supporting old people is undertaken by world government, Can check this unfavorable factor . "
Reference material 1. important thought at three representation of Jiang Zemin
2." talk about world government of Xu ZhiYong" //*410//www.mf-law.com/fxlw/fxlw.3.htm
3. the first"chip people" in theworld //*410//www.yuexiao.com/kidsac/kexue/

许闻 发表于 2010-5-29 09:48


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