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simon2568 发表于 2009-8-14 04:39


针对脑控武器的基本操作原则Operation regulation:

1.       组织原则:统一思想, 就事论事,组织起来对抗间谍网。

2.       组织机构:大区负责制,分区联络、统一行动。

3.       分组分工:国内组、国外组、保密组、调配组、外部联系组

4.       沟通协调:国内外即时、动态联络

5.       通路: 常规渠道(网络和邮件、电话)及单线直达Channel and by-pass

6.       秘密规则:在充分相信国家与政府的基础上,真正做到敌友识别,真正的敌人是出卖祖国、出卖灵魂给境外间谍组织及境外反华势力和机构,只有强大背景与财力支撑,人员众多的间谍网被全部起获,杀无赦,才能使受难者及更广大的受难者获得解放,警世社会。

7.       发动群众:借力打力,广泛宣传,包括各种媒体,网络,以及国外难友media, semi-media, internet.

8.       外力借用:国际势力支持,联合国组织,SOS国内分支机构,外国使馆,中国驻外总领事馆,寻求支援和赞助。

9.       国内施压:触发启动国家机器,自上而下与自下而上,双管齐下,拉动与推动并行,触发政治事件的发生,其后,交由国家机器运转,重心转移至追凶。

10.   追凶除恶:中国250多万军队,100多万武装警察部队,近千万的警察队伍及司法工作者, 中国就没有黑社会,不可能存在另一套法律体系、社会规则、金融系统,绝无可能。号召:敢想敢干,敢作敢为,尽可能地犯错误。相信正义的力量,四方正气汇罡气, 追凶除恶。

11.   法律援助:积极寻求国际法关于反人类罪行的国际、国内援助,其次,在国内寻求最广泛的法律支持和援助,声势一定要大,全国统一行动,跨省分区运作, 瞬间爆发。

12.   血债血偿,除恶必尽:建立覆盖全国的追凶组,迅达、准确、严厉,抛却任何同情心,借用一句话“人要靠自己”。

Note 备注:

1.    每组工作量:短期内要达到最大量,形成拨次冲击,兼顾连续打击。

2.    反馈与督促:间谍网的特点:1)结构严谨,2)经费有限,3)信心不足,个体虚弱,敌人比我们更胆怯,4)案例全国拷贝 5)手段黔驴技穷 6)仅在道德层面对个人攻击,实在无奈到了极点,7)敌必败,我们必胜。加强反馈与督促。

3.    爆炸式全国总动员 Scale calculation (one hundred enlarge into one thousand, cover ten thousand, last to one hundred thousand persons operation, foreigner more than 50 persons)

4.    热烈欢迎志愿者,特别是与国外难友及其志愿者团队互动,推动事态的发展

5.    团队工作Team work:我是你兄弟,不行哥来。

6.    联络Communication:互动交流与统一行动同样重要。

7.    目标达成Target implementation: three stage (三阶段):

1. 在国际与国内组织机构中宣介promotion in international and national organization

    2. 团队工作推动政府部门的运转Team work on pushing government organization running.

    3. 寻求在地方城市的突破点search out key point on interrupt in local city.

8. 时间表Schedule: the first stage 第一阶段: 2-3 月months, 50 persons 人

             Second stage 第二阶段: 1.5-2 月months, 60 persons 人

             Third stage 第三阶段:  3 月months, 20-30 persons 人

Mind control serious cases

1.       Mind control mainly focus on disturbing survivors on humanity right sustaining, aiming at enlarging influence in society through survivor’s uncertain express and individual behavior and feeling, final result is create a realization of non-humanity in China.

2.       This is a strategic plan implemented by Taiwanese secret organization, regulation of this organization and real target is covered by lies; for example, attack with tactic plan, regional action with whole of country alliance, can noise the route of survivors trip and journey, one or two skilled person take this terminal receiver and others will speak out what you and they want to say as a group.

3.       Principle: microwave weapons with high energy, so it’s easy to trace, but weak very much at positioning.

Pulse resonance in ears, which feel this resonance in parietal of skull. nearby drum of ear, four fine lines planted by medical, two resonance planted in joints of main brain bones another one planted in rear parietal, create co-vibration in calvarium area with fine carbide wire, can send weakest feedback wave, it’s very difficult to be grasp, must keep a good communication with victim, obtain what victim want to say or express. For example, take a trial on earplug and a small shield on parietal of skull.

   Because it can be transmit soonest, so no postpone or dwell time can be felt in remote.

4.       Rule of action, organism members can make some voice or noise to victims, such as threat or rude sentence, aim at making a communication surround with survivors, but due to the voice rebound in skull of brain, every survivors insist on they can hear something around them, but this is no way.

Another way, several members located in nearby survivors apartment, normally keep a long-distance with victims, but can influence survivors life step by step through part of neighbors slightly, these are unusual cases, because enemy are craven.

5.       when victims can do a journey, the worst cases is 3-4 members, no more than 6 members can followed up with survivor just like passengers, but majored in train and plane, because so many people concentrate on one cars, so don’t worry to communicate with survivors, of cause, focus on threat and rude sentence, most of other passengers can be encouraged to “take a shower”, that means, rude word or action to victims, only a little influence can be enlarged.

6.       When survivors live in a community, if they want after a long time viewing and inspection, will launch out or spread something wrong to a street or some building, means, give a press to survivors, brink survivors more and more weak at sociability.

7.       This organization: mission: destroy Chinese humanity and traditional social regulation

Financial fund come from foreign company invested by international enterprise, they must survived by themselves, and then, make sure organization operation, at meanwhile, developed network on spy, activity area majored in Dongguan city covered highway from Guangzhou to Shenzhen, another one, majored in Nanjing city, covered highway from Suzhou to Zhenjiang.

   Activity method: lodging in hotel below three star, normal lodging date no more than 15 days, 4-5 days possible, keep certain cars, basic expense, most of expense on action come true, pay for at the end of month, new members will be skilled at certain site with simple skill and knowledge, majored in brain-wash and realism.

They can lowered expense as low as possible according to Chinese situation, it’s difficult to distinguish them from mass directly.

Fund is reducing rapidly.

Comments: this thing have spread out to inner China, but main power depend on bypass way, third party strength, so this thing must resource out the main headquarter and representative ASAP, via giving press to government, building up a victim group with team work, daily work must be done right now, supervised by victim and other mercy people.

Mind control crime organization operation

Three lines for operation:

Communication line

Two implementation lines: Potential one and active one with the knit of network

Communication line keep a contact with local knit which is composed of by 3-4 persons, but supervised by by-pass lines, somebody will represent an project or case at the special area or industry, science field. Unfortunately, classical cases can be simulated one by one. Mind control receiver held on by some executive in different knits, who can inform other members ASAP.

Classical cases:

1.       Rude sentence and disturbing victim are the main methods, serious case, no more than action at some block nearby victim’s house or apartment.

2.       Sometimes, maybe threat can be created, but only a little, no hurt can be done fully.

3.       Target: a. non-socialization of victims may be achieved.

         b. Chinese humanity and politics.

Sample for reference :

1.       If you are on travel, such as in Shandong gaotang town, one rock can hit more and more wave in small town, two persons as a group, up to 3-4 group will follow up to you with rude sentence at a long distance, certainly, a lie make another lie.

2.       If the travel by train, somebody can give you a little bit rude sentence in train car, this one just like an representative office, 7-8 persons, can be contacted by each other, of cause, arranged by communication line, no more word and action can be done well. For example, travel from Jinan to Qingdao city by CRH train in Jun 10 2009.

3.       Crazy cases at two or three group (one group two persons) can take airport bus, follow up, for example, take bus from Shanghai Pudong airport to Suzhou city in Jun 11 2009.

According to these cases, we can understand so-called attack no more than by rude sentence or some pursuade sentence, so as to encourage part of undiscovered or unknown people, only make a pressure to victims, in my opinion, if these crazy cases can be copied into handreds points, benefit to mind control alliance action.

Classical cases: (For example)

1.       They can create some influence surround victim, such as some scandal and rude sentence via neighbour or other people. Normally, depend on local relationship, mainly on relatives, but this action can’t be lasted a long-term.

2.       Another one, some persons, such as two or three younger and couples or eld persons will talk about one or two things about victims when you walk on the street, actually it’s funny that just like the film “trumen’s world”, all of these directed by a director, don’t mind it.

3.       If crazy, someone will visit some shop or little food seller before you come in, called “sweep street”, tell them some lies, and then, shopper and sellers want to say something about victims, you can try again and again.

4.       “Take a shower” or “ make a small environment” is a normal habit, just like a crime rule, this means, scandal disperse to block, which can be copied and enlarged more and more.

5.       This action can be used to enlarge social effection, if everybody knew completely, the safety of victim can be sure that you can guide this effection to new interrupt.


1.       Alliance action mission must be done soonest: unite is strength.

2.       More and more mistake must be made with trouble immediately.

3.       Main focus are on organization members, forbidden to do something on some solid persons who you can feel.

4.       Bedin and unite can be thought over and over, at least, some exposed cases should be built up on internet or launched to UN and State organization, especially on key department by E-mail fully.

5.       Some research work by state organzation must be pushed out, except these local organization on duty should be informed immediately.

6.       Part of work should be sent out to other foreign countries, especially on united team with foreign victims.

Strategic project plan on mind control-humanity pronauncement


1.       Who: Who will carry out this project with attack, U.S.A no, Europen no, Japan no, and who , organisition on international anti-China power with Taiwanese spy organization.

2.       When start up and when end, actually guiding into China in 1998, booming in 2005-2007, end at resource drying up and your and my struggle, waiting for an nominated date.

3.       Where: since 1998 to 2008, (high peak, 2005-2007), mainly in cities in China terretory, unfortunately, so many victim can’t found that they had been hurted, especially on government and military, scholarship, which they are paying more attention on them.

4.       Why: creed, attack on Chinese humanity, launch anti-China speech and make panic, make disaster on socialty.

Avoid firing when scrubing gun.

5.       How to operate, spy network with solid knit in cities, organizated as military, can attack victims on program step by step, almost the same cases copied.

If you have known you are victim, no value to this organization, as per this, only one thing can be done, disturbing you by abusiveness continuously on making love, social relationship, work, no more than these.


1. Theme at humanity pronauncement: antihuman, anti-overthrow, anti-personel and –mentally attacking at civilian continuously.

2. Method: focus on spy channel way, build up knit in cities, keep a contact with communication line, simulate successful cases into different knit rapidly.

Appeal to unite, make large influence on network and social, at meanwhile, set up a solid information communication system by E-mail or QQ.

Good and bad info can be launch out soonest.

3. Performing stage:

a. victims must give publicity to all of Chinese people, this is the final target to educate citizen.

b. search out the way to be supported by UN, international organization, international victim alliance.

c. While we promote on international influence, we must apply huge pressure to Chinese state department.

d. Regional action with leading and guiding by victim alliance.

4. Tactic plan implementation

  Team work is the base and guarantee on tactic plan implementation, distinguish victim into international work group, in charge of international promotion and communication; national work group, in charge of chinese promotion on media and network; communication work group, engage in collection, coodinator, communication, commander, schedule; secret work group, engage in enemy info collection and strategic plan and decision made.

5. Check: implementation quality must be checked timely, inform everybody secretly, all of victim named as a serial number, assisted to decision-made and plan-made.

6. Communication by each other

  Facing to a spy organization with powerful spy network, all of victim must united in a target, withstand enemy’s attack and destory them by Chinese government and Chinese people.

So a communication system is necessary to act, in my opinion, communicate in English, and talk and contact in Chinese.

7. Response on internet, encourage action in regional area.

   Select victim’s article launch on internet, educate young people, give a pressure to government, beat enemy’s conspire, encourage personel action in regional area.

Letter is better sent out by E-mail to local government in city, part of them post.

8. Don’t mind making more and more mistakes.

   Enemy is more weak than victims, so don’t mind making more and more mistakes, no threat on personel safety, of cause, no materiality injury, only make you nervous. Let’s well done.

9. Note: Depending on state government, but must well done on pushing central government or local ones moving, if not so, draw them give heavy anf large pressure to thewm, key word, don’t contact with officiers of government. That means, effection must be enlarge so enough organization.

10. discharge your pressure to us forever.

   As you mentioned, I know you are weak, but you and me will be strong enough, discharge your pressure to me always, contact with me ASAP.

11. Close it step by step perfectly.

   This organization is poor on operation, money from sponsor, no big campaign can be carried out, normally 3-4 spy in a province to act, other poormen operate with them, such as lodging in a three star hotel, employee a full time driver, some gangsters, of cause, including gangsters’s relatives.

You can see clearly, we can close this case step by step perfectly.

12. Trace the new Nazi and educate masses.

Our war cry: destroy the new Nazi completely, I survive, enemy die on the same sky to educate masses forever.

E-mail: [email=simon2568@126.com]simon2568@126.com[/email] for contact mode


近期,在我省及我市部分中心区,频繁发现间谍组织,发动不明真相的群众,对政府机关及个人展开攻击,包括恫吓、威胁及言语侮辱,以掩盖其使用非常规间谍武器,殃害普通个人, 煽动对社会的不满和抵抗情绪及行为,达到扰乱社会正常生产、生活和个人劳动及生活的秩序、不可告人的目的。

1.  此间谍网在中国大陆以节点的形式,互联成网络,通过三条单线相互支撑,分别是通信线、针对某个人的暗线,以及城市节点的明线,有组织、策划、执行、监控,较为严明的体系,另有项目实施的具体负责人。

2.  通信线主要负责覆盖全国的秘密通信网络的畅通,以及非常规间谍武器的运用、升级及维护,以脑控武器为代表;暗线是针对某个人实施手段,包括人身及精神的持续伤害,配合秘密通信线的正常维护和检测;明线是当间谍事实暴露后,对当事人实施恫吓、威胁及言语侮辱等手段,以延迟败露的时间。

3.  此间谍网的节点业已覆盖大多数中国地级以上城市,互为偶联,破坏力很强、很大,尤其在民众中影响极坏,直接指向中国的人权,不可不查。作案手段通常以莫须有的罪名广泛发动非面对面的人身攻击,包括工作和个人生活,使受害人社会边缘化。

4.  可供参考的地点有:佳木斯市东风区东方花园,永红区煤机小区,郊区长安社区,昆山市里厍新村。



1.   Mind control为组织行为,具有深厚的国际背景,以台湾情报机构为前锋,同情及支持台独和反华势力为依托,貌似民间的组织机构,网络节点化在中国大陆发展,煽动不明真相的群众,实施无政府和反社会,反人类的丑恶行径,气焰十分嚣张。

2.   Mind control 绝非表面这么简单,深层次的侵害和感化,才是根本所在。已经被发现的为少数,至此也就无从谈起身体和精神伤害,以恫吓、袭扰、捣乱为主,其实,敌人更虚弱,节点过多、过滥,经费已捉襟见肘,最多再发动一、二次像样的攻势,真的、真的无足轻重。

3.   道义在于:暴露的( 手术及处理不当被发现的)不足未暴露的(处理得当未被发现的)的1/5,因而,道与义必须一肩挑,斩断魔掌。

4.   实施手段:尽可能地制造一些高级错误,广泛地向国内、外的组织机构施压,与此同时,结成牢不可破的最广泛的联盟,统一领导,统一运作,以对抗节点化的组织行为。

5.   结果:广泛教育民众,发动民众,自下而上及自上而下,双通路,治标治本解决此问题, 唯以不永伤,警世一千年。

6.   时不我待,该出手时就出手,平凡的人做不平凡的事。

世界人权宣言 与 精神控制 摘要













第十三条:(一) 人人在各国境内有权自由迁徙和居住。(二) 人人有权了开任何国家,包括其本国在内,并有权返回他的国家。

第十四条:(一) 人人有权在其他国家寻求和享受庇护以避免迫害。

第十六条:(三) 家庭是天然的和基本的社会单元,并应受社会和国家的保护。



第二十条:(一) 人人有权享有和平集会和结社的自由。
第二十一条:(二) 人人有平等机会参加本国公务的权利。

第二十三条:(一) 人人有权工作、自由选择职业、享受公正和合适的工作条件并享受免于失业的保障。

第二十七条:(一) 人人有权自由参加社会的文化生活,享受艺术,并分享科学进步及其产生的福利。

第二十九条:(二) 人人在行使他的权利和自由时,只受法律所确定的限制,确定此种限制的唯一目的确在于保证对旁人的权利和自由给予应有的承认和尊重,并在一个民主的社会中适应道德、公共秩序和普遍福利的正当需要。
(三) 这此权利和自由的行使,无论在任何情下均不得违背联合国的宗旨和原则。





只要坚持有力,有节,为人类美好愿景而战,必将取得最后的胜利, 将此庞大的间谍网络一网打尽.

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