知道老外是怎么跟mm搭讪的吗?可不能一上去就跟人家说“I love you!”哦,会把mm吓跑的。发现了一个用英语在酒吧和mm搭讪的视频,超有趣,可以从中学习几招哦!mm也可以学到几招化解搭讪的秘诀J
h t t p://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjU2NzY2ODg=.html
男:Did you know there is a mistake in the English alphabet? (你知道英文字母表有一个非常严重的错误是什么吗?)
女:Erm, no. I didn’t.(厄,不知道。)
男: Yeah! They should have put U and I together! (耶!那就是,他们应该把你(Y)
女: …(无语。。。)
男:Do you believe in love at first sight? 你相信一见钟情吗
女:No. 不相信。
男:Then maybe I should walk in again then! 那我应该再走进来一次!
女:Or just walk out. 或者直接离开也行。。。
男: Are we er…are we near the airport? 我们是在飞机场附近吗?
女: No. 不是
男: Then maybe that was my heart taking off. 那应该是我的心被你偷走了。。。
女: (sighs and shakes head)(摇头&叹气)
男: Is it hot in here? 这儿怎么这么热
女: No. 没有啊
男: Then it must be you. 那一定是你太火辣了!(其实用hot夸女孩是很高的褒奖哦1)
女: I don’t think so. 我可不这么认为
男: There er…seems to be some problem with my mobile phone. 我的手机好像出了点问题。。
女: What? 怎么了
Man: Yeah, (it) doesn’t have your number in it! 它里面竟然没有你的手机号!
chat someone up
搭讪 (phrasal verb) - (UK, informal) to talk to someone in a way which shows you are attracted to the person.
love at first sight一见钟情(expression) - falling in love when seeing a person for the first time.
Date约会 (n.) - a social meeting between two people or a sweet fruit of the date palm. In the conversation, the man is playing with the word 'date' which can mean a fruit or a social meeting.